Friday 1 April 2016

HA3 - Task 4 Island Quest Concept Art Reference Pack

Task 4 - Review

I evaluated my work and reflected back on what I believe I did well and what could have been improved.

Evaluation                    Title of project: Island Quest reference pack

1. Original intentions What were the original intentions of your project? What were the photographs for and what was the creative intent behind the brief? Has the project met the original intentions and why?
To create a reference pack to be used to make ancient Greek  styled characters. The photographs were for said reference pack, the project met the original intentions well enough despite the animals being a little less “Ancient Greek” than desired.

2. The production of meaning. How have audiences responded to your images? Was the audience response what you expected? Do the photographs create the intended meaning?
Based on feedback from my classmates the images apparently do their intended job well of giving a good reference to the designer of the animal or parts of the animal.

3. The production process. What techniques did you use to produce the work? What skills did you develop? What went well? What difficulties did you encounter?
I used manual settings on the camera, Some canted shots and mostly portrait or landscape close ups and extreme close ups, I believe I developed a better eye for photography in general as when I put my mind to the second shoot I believe the pictures came out quite well.

4. How do your photographs compare to similar professionally produced examples? What are the similarities to your work? 
The similarities between my reference packs and professional reference packs is the style of photography I tried to keep the subjects as centred as possible. However I don’t believe my work could be passed off as professional just yet, I would need to brush up my work by conducting at least 1 or 2 more shoots.

5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your photographs? Following audience feedback for your photographs, how effective are they at communicating with the audience?
The strengths of my photographs are the images came out clear and focused and you can see the details of the animals. The weaknesses are that some of the pictures are angled slightly awkwardly for a reference pack such as the canted shots of the rabbits.

6. If you were to do this project again, what would you change? 
I would take a lot more pictures of the animals even if I believed I had the perfect shot I would take more just to be sure, I would also widen my selection of animals I could take pictures of by taking a trip to a zoo or wildlife sanctuary.

HA3 - Task 3 Island Quest Concept Art Reference Pack

Task 3 - Second Shoot and contact sheets

Assignment Title: Island Quest Concept Art Reference pack
Date: 04/03/16
Location: Exterior
Lighting: Natural 
Camera: Nikon D3100
Manual Focus and Zoom
Aperture: f4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/60th

After reviewing the images in the second shoot I decided these were the best pictures I had taken and made contact sheets of them, These are the finished reference packs.

HA3 - Task 2 Island Quest Concept Art Reference Pack

Task 2 - First shoot and Contact sheets.

HA2 - Task 2 Portfolio and Technical Profile






HA1 - Task 2 Process and Application

HA1 - Task 2

Friday 11 March 2016

HA3 - Task 1 Island Quest Concept Art Reference Pack

Task 1 - Ancient Greece, Reference Photography and Shoot plan.

To show my suitability for the position at flip studios I first did some research into the theme of island quest (ancient Greece) and reference photography, Mainly how reference photography is structured. Here is a presentation of the research I conducted into the two subjects.

Ancient Greece and its Mythical Creatures

The ancient Greeks have impacted the world in many different ways, Mainly creatively but also technologically they were one of the first civilizations to a have a water irrigation and purification systems and on top of that they invented the gear and screw components used in the majority of devices to this day. They were creative people with a culture heavily focused on many different forms of arts. From a trademark pottery and theater style to wild and exciting stories and fables of mythical creatures believed to exist at the time. These stories came about due to them being part of the teachings of the then Greek religion. The mythical creatures of Greece are a concept widely still used to this day Satyrs, Gorgons, The Hydra, Centaur and even dragons are Greek mythical creatures. 

The Hydra was a 9 headed reptilian monster of Greek legend. The legend told that the middle head of the 9 was immortal and had the most venomous bite and breath and that if any of the heads were to be cut off two would grow in its place. 

Medusa was originally a beautiful priestess of Athena and was devoted to a life of celibacy however she fell for Poseidon and was punished by turning her golden blonde hair into snakes and her fair skin a sickly green hue.

Satyr were creature soldiers half man half goat they played the pan flute with great skill and improved morale in Greek armies, according to legend.

The Minotaur is possibly the most well known Greek myth, a half man half bull who lived in the labyrinth, a maze like structure built to contain him he was slain by the Athenian hero Theseus

Reference packs and how they help designers.

Reference photography and reference packs are what designers artists and other creators use as a reference to the subject they want to create. If a designer wanted to create some concept art of a character in multiple different poses or exhibiting different facial expressions the designer most likely will use a reference pack to aid with visualizing the character in those poses. a reference pack isn't just for poses however, A reference pack can just be a collection of images designed to inspire a characters design rather than pose. Such as, furs, horns, hooves, scales etc This kind of reference pack would help a designer create a monster or creature.

A characters personality can be conveyed through their facial expression quite a lot, Which is where a facial expression reference pack would come in handy.

As mentioned before animals can be used in reference imagery also. The shots in this reference pack are clear enough so as the feathers colour and texture can be seen and used as a reference point for a character such as a monster like a harpy.

Character poses can be achieved through the help of anatomy reference packs showcasing the form of a body which in turn would lead to a proportionate character.
Hands are often tricky to draw/animate so reference pack of hands engaged in various actions also helps.

To better understand the process of creating a reference pack I emulated creating one myself with stock images and an end product. The end product being the character concept artwork. This gave me insight into what a designer would want from a reference pack. As I took into consideration what I would have wanted from a reference pack in order to create the center character.

I then began planning how i would go about constructing a reference pack of my own eg where I will/would get the images I needed.
After planning I then booked out the equipment I would need and started the first shoot.

The first shoot I booked the camera out for the day on a Monday
And the second shoot I booked the camera out for the day on a Friday.


Monday 18 January 2016

HA2 - Task 1 Portfolio and Technical Profile


 Extreme Close up
 Close up
Long Shot

Angles & Levels

Mid Shot.
Low Shot.

High Shot.

Mid Angle
High Angle.

Low Angle.



Background but not foreground in focus
Background and foreground out of focus, Mid in focus.


Out of focus.
Foreground Focus
Background focus




 Not Zoomed

File Transfer

 Files can be transferred from the camera to the PC via a USB cable, These images demonstrate this

File Formatting

File formatting is when an image file is changed from one format to another such as jpeg to gifthis image shows the difference between each.


Images taken on the camera are saved to the cameras SD card and then can be transferred via USB cable to the PC and stored on other storage systems such as USB sticks or in the documents of the PC
